Thursday, August 1, 2013


We are just finishing up another home study.  Now we wait patiently for a child to become available.
We do not want Z to be an only child.  this was not always the case.  When we first started the process we only wanted one child.  an only child.  3 years later and now we want her to have what we have a sibling to grow up with .  Me and my brother are best friends and i could not imagine him not in my life.  Same with R.  We want a boy between the ages of 3 and 5.  Z needs to be the oldest.  Z is so excited to have a brother.  And we are excited.  I have always want a boy.  So our wait begins hopefully very soon we will find our son and our family will be complete. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More funny thing that Z says lost drafts

J (her 27yo cousin) Why do you have back toes? as she is following him up the stairs and poke at his heal.

J " I can not wait for Christmas to be over" Z why? J It is a long story Z Well tell me or not tell me but if you are not going to tell me i am going to go down stairs .

Lost drafts

More Z isms
Z was following my nephew up the stairs and she asks Josh why do you have back toes and pokes him heal.  LOL

Every time she describes something she says words like stupendous or lovely it just makes me laugh 

Mama What Z i want to be a preima  ballerina 

More on another adoption ???????

So we have officially started the adoption process again.  I never thought that i would be saying those words out loud again but here i am.  Since having Z home we have realized that having one perfect child (HAHAH) is great 2 would be better.  We want Z not to be an only child.  We want to her have what we have a sibling to be there when we are not.  So we have started the home study again but this time it will not be as much paper work.  we are actually almost done with the paper work. 

We are going to adopt a boy hopefully between the ages of 2 to 5 we do not want to disrupt the birth order.  Z has a friend that has only brothers so i think she has been taking notes on how to be a good big sister.

Z's rules so far
I will be the boss of my brother  so i said no there is only one boss in this house,  and Z said you Mama.
I will pick out all of his clothes  so i said then he will be wearing only ball gowns? 

We told Z that her playroom will become his room.  She said he can just sleep on my trundle bed .

I am sure there will be many more to come.

We hope this will be a quicker process.  We just hope that we will be able to find the little dude that will complete our family

Friday, May 24, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun.

Time flies when you are having fun.

School is almost over for Z.
I am going back to work part time.
Ryan is doing great a his job.
We are going to adopt again. (domestic)
I am turning 40 this year(YUCK)
Z will graduate kindergarten June 3
R has a Birthday coming up.
We have no big plans this summer.
Z will be a flower girl for the second time in Aug.
I am going to be matron of honer
I have been a maid if honor 10 plus time.
R is becoming very good at fixing cars.
Z loves to dance.
Z has lost 2 teeth so far.
Z love making homes for lady bugs.
R is a amazing father and hubby
We have 3 dogs and 3 cats
I guess that is all for now

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

WOW 6 months

So it has been 6 moths since I posted anything. Life has been fun busy and at the same time nothing has been going on,  Lets see Z started  Kindergarten and at first she hated it but now life is grand.  She is really good at math.  She can read and is doing really well.  Z had her 5th birthday this year WOW.  5 going on 15 she is growing up way to fast.  Oct.  marks our 9th anniversary.  November I turned 39 Dec.  brought a new tradition to our family Barter the elf.  Z loved finding him every morning and we loved coming up with the ideas every night.  Jan.  I had a hysterectomy and a long recovery.  Feb. We were sick of the winter.  We went to Oregon and visited R's family.  We had a great time and that bring us to March we had a nice Easter.
In the last 6 months I had 3 great nephews born. it has been fun watching them grow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


First day of kindergarten at home 

In the parking lot

Hanging her back pack up 

Z had her first day of school today.  I was so nervous  and so sad

that she would be leaving me for 3 hours a day.  I think i had a harder
Sitting at her desk
time then she did.  She love it and I survived LOL
I can not believe that she is already in school.  it seem like just yesterday we were picking her up in Miami.  Life just moves right along weather you want it to or not.
in front of the door to her class room