Friday, May 24, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun.

Time flies when you are having fun.

School is almost over for Z.
I am going back to work part time.
Ryan is doing great a his job.
We are going to adopt again. (domestic)
I am turning 40 this year(YUCK)
Z will graduate kindergarten June 3
R has a Birthday coming up.
We have no big plans this summer.
Z will be a flower girl for the second time in Aug.
I am going to be matron of honer
I have been a maid if honor 10 plus time.
R is becoming very good at fixing cars.
Z loves to dance.
Z has lost 2 teeth so far.
Z love making homes for lady bugs.
R is a amazing father and hubby
We have 3 dogs and 3 cats
I guess that is all for now

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love to hear more about the adoption!! Glad to know things are going well for you.