Friday, August 28, 2009


I am having a really hard time this week with the adoption. You wait every day to hear some good news and nothing. I understand that it is a hard process and hard to live in Haiti and to get anything done. I guess i just come from the mentality that if its your business to do adoption then you should get then done. In America if it your business to say process under ware at victories secret then you get up in the morning, put on your all black uniform, get in your car, drive on paved roads to the freeway, take the exit, go in to the mall, and begin your business day. In Haiti not the same you don't have the luxuries like a car or paved road. I understand all that is Haiti and how hard the living conditions are but sometime just sometimes i get every selfish. I want this to be done and i want it now. In the words of Veruca Salt "Daddy i want a golden goose now"


Meltmomma said...


David and Candice said...

I agree , some days it just sucks and some days you just can't take it and want to throw a fit!-candice

Meltmomma said...

Amen !

Pete and Mare said...

Yep, this is such a hard road and Z is so dang adorable. I fully understand and feel the same way sometimes. You guys are wonderful! I hope you both have a wonderful weekend! Great big hug ~ Mare