Friday, January 28, 2011

This time last year

This time last year we were scrambling to get ready for Z to come home. Trying to get air fare to Miami at the cheapest price possible getting things ready to bring a 2 year home forever. How life has changed in the last year. for instance i would probably be going to see R's band play tonight but now i am sitting home on a Friday night and me and Z are going to chill at home. Right now as i write this Z and R are playing hair and make up. R has had his hair and make up done about 1000 time in the last year Z just loves it and she also love to boss him around. ( i wonder where she get that from) I know i have said this before and i will say it again LIFE is so different. I have had the chance to stay at home for that last year and just watch her grow. She went from knowing no English to no stop talking and she know more Spanish than me(thanks Dora and Papa). This last year has had it moment but it has been the best year of my life.


David and Candice said...

I so agree life has changed! I cannot believe how fast it did,I am so glad you Have Z home and getting your makeup done by your sweet little girl:)-Candice

Meeker home said...

So sweet! Nothing beats the ups and downs of motherhood. I'm so glad that Z is home and you are able to share life together!